The Inspiration:

Are you extroverted? Then this is the article for you! I’ve compiled a list of 15 ways an extrovert can simply chill out and be more reflective. This article is inspired by the above tweet by @tomandlorenzo!
1. Meditate for 1-5 minutes every day.
Take some time every day to focus on breathing and truly take in the present moment.
2. Read a book.
Find a cozy spot, grab a hot drink, and just read a book for an hour or two. This is a great way to relax and de-stress from a busy day.
*Here is a list of some great travel books.
3. Actively listen more.
How much is the other person contributing to the conversation? Are you allowing them time to gather their thoughts and talk? Actively listen more and allow others the chance to speak and express their thoughts.
4. Think before you speak.
Sit in your own thoughts for a moment. This will honestly benefit everyone because it gives you time to filter your words and speak with more clarity.
5. Go and eat a meal at a restaurant alone.
Enjoy your own company and eat a meal with yourself. It might feel strange at first, but it’s a great feeling to know that you enjoy your own company.
6. Take time to reflect in a journal.
Spend 10-15 minutes every day journaling about your day. This will give you time to reflect on your actions and your overall life.
7. Listen to music.
Play some music and find your zen. Tune out the world and simply enjoy the music.
8. Watch a movie without talking.
Fully engage in a movie without asking questions or making commentary. You will become more engaged in the material, and it will force you to focus more actively on the movie.
9. Embrace alone time.
Enjoy being alone for once. Find balance and peace in “me-time”. I know that being extroverted forces you to want attention from others, but it’s important to pay attention to yourself as well.
10. Take a solo walk or hike.
Enjoy some fresh air and take a stroll in nature.
11. Pay attention to your volume.
Are you overexcited? This is a classic trait of an extrovert. Usually, when someone is overexcited, they become blissfully unaware of how loud they are speaking. Take a moment to check your own volume and adjust to your surroundings.
12. Take some time to observe your surroundings.
Take a moment to breathe and digest your surroundings before participating or talking with others.
13. Find peace in solitary hobbies.
Participate in hobbies that allow you to be creative and explore your own mind. This could include drawing, painting, photography, and much more.
14. Take a yoga class.
Take some time to quietly explore your mind and body.
15. Take a nap.
You can’t get more relaxed than sleeping. Find a quiet spot and sleep for 30-45 minutes. You will wake up refreshed and at peace.
I hope this list helps all fellow extroverts take that much-needed chill pill! I know it can be hard for extroverted people to be quiet and reflective, but hopefully, some of these tips will help.
All the best from a fellow extrovert,
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Great article. 😃
OMG LOL This is the funniest article ever! 😂😂😂😂