
15 Things 2019 Taught Us All

What a year 2019 has been! Here is a quick recap of some of the major events:

You can definitely admit that it’s been quite an eventful year. Honestly, 2019 has taught us many things and here are 15 of the most important ones.

1. It’s important to stick up for what you believe in.

Whatever your belief may be, it is important to stick up for your own ideas, self, and others. Great things can happen when people come together to tackle major issues within society that they all deeply care about; be it climate change, racism, homelessness, illnesses or other societal issues.

2. Dance like nobody’s watching.

Be freer. Say screw it to looking stupid. Dance your little heart off and lose yourself to the music. In the end, you will have a way better night that is more memorable. It’s quite freeing to not care what people think all the time.

3. Always try to find new passions.

Don’t become static. Look for new hobbies and passions that keep your life interesting. Become a true renaissance man and learn all sorts of trades and crafts. You might even find a life passion along the way that is unexpected.

4. It’s okay to let people go.

Sometimes people let you down, you lose touch or they’ve changed as a person. Try not to be upset and realize that it’s simply time to move on without them in your life. People grow apart as well and that doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Things just happen.

5. Try to get out of your comfort zone.

Don’t be afraid to get out of your usual comfort zone. I strongly believe that when you feel uncomfortable you are growing and becoming a better, more confident version of yourself. Don’t be afraid of your future success. When was the last time you felt like you were achieving higher goals? If it’s been a while, start actively trying to pursue them.

6. Who cares if someone does not like you.

Honestly, f**k them. If someone doesn’t like you for who you are, they are not worth your time. Learn to only care about how you view yourself, not how others perceive you to be.

7. Live each day to the fullest.

Live like it’s your last. There is a reason why this is such a popular saying. Live knowing you lived a happy, fulfilling life free of regrets.

8. Some people are not worth it.

Sometimes people are just not worth the energy you put into them. If you feel like it’s a one-sided relationship, it probably is! Know when to step away and realize they clearly don’t appreciate you.

9. It’s okay if you don’t have your life completely figured out.

Stop worrying if you haven’t figured out your end goal in life. This can take years and often these types of goals surprise you along the way. I’m sure even the greats didn’t know what they were going to achieve one day.

10. Traveling is important for the soul.

Take time to travel and get a break from the daily routine. See new parts of the world and experience new languages, cultures, foods and more. I think travelling is a great way to become more aware of each other’s unique differences and learn to love them.

11. Don’t plan your entire life.

Don’t plan your entire life like some sort of spreadsheet. Set goals, but don’t over-plan your future. Leave room for spontaneity and surprise.

12. Work or school does not define your worth.

How well you do at school or work does not define your individual worth as a human being or how successful you may or may not be in life. Learn to separate your worth from your work and you will quickly become less stressed.

13. Trust your own intuition more.

Listen to your gut more. It’s often hard to trust yourself, but if you can’t trust your own intuition who can you trust?

14. Take time to think more before speaking.

Take time to gather your thoughts before reacting to a situation or speaking wrongfully. Words can hurt and they, unfortunately, can not be taken back once they have been spoken.

15. It’s okay to say no sometimes.

It’s okay to say no. Don’t feel guilty for not being able to do everything. It doesn’t make you a bad person and your friends and family won’t hate you if you opt out every once in a while. It’s better to say no than to wear yourself out.

I hope 2019 treated you kindly and that 2020 is even better. Good luck and welcome to the roaring ’20s.


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