
12 Things Traveling Alone Will Teach You

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You’re more capable than you originally thought.

Travelling is simply an eye-opening experience. There are a lot of things you will see and do that you never imagined possible. When you can only depend on yourself for long periods of time you will be surprised how much you can accomplish.

Maps and signs are your best friend.

While travelling, using signs and maps are your best friend! It’s honestly so easy to get lost, but using your phone (Google Maps) or the old-fashioned paper maps you will easily find your way. Also, don’t be afraid to ask a stranger if you’re completely lost.

Remember that a little bit of planning will go a long way.

I know it’s great to be spontaneous, but sometimes that can end up costing you double if not triple the price. A little bit of planning ahead can really go a long way when it comes to a budget. I always recommend trying to book your flights and accommodations in advance as you can track the prices and usually receive cheaper tickets.

TIP: With the main accommodation and transportations costs out of the way try to leave most of your itinerary open and free while in a new city. This way you can still be spontaneous and not be too restricted by your pre-planning.

Emergency cash is a must.


Always bring emergency cash! Try and find a safe place where no one will think to look. You never know when you might need to take an emergency taxi ride or buy a quick train ticket to the next city.

You will find confidence in eating alone.

Okay. This one sounds silly, but eating by yourself in a proper dining restaurant can feel a little embarrassing especially when you’re asking for a table for one. Always be confident in yourself no matter how small the task might seem.

You won’t die from embarrassment! Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or look a little stupid every once in a while. The things you’re embarrassed over have probably happened to hundreds of other people.

Don’t be embarrassed to say the wrong word in a new language or if you fall in public. These things only matter for a split second and honestly no one truly cares. I think it is important to look at these types of situations from a different perspective.

For example: If you saw someone else falling in public you would probably just think, “I hope they’re okay!” and not find it embarrassing at all. So why should we?

You will eventually yearn for friendship and become more outgoing.


I’ll be straight up, travelling alone can sometimes be lonely. Most travellers take this to their advantage and become more outgoing with others. Hopefully, it will make you want to make new friends and have awesome experiences with new people. An awesome place to start making friends is in the hostels or local tour groups throughout the city.

Travelling will help you discover your own self-worth.

This one is a little cheesy, but over time you will discover how awesome you really are. You might not see it now, but it takes a strong and brave person to travel to another country all by themselves. You’re a badass!

Learn new skills and discover future career possibilities.

Travelling is a great time to figure out what you might want to do for the rest of your life. Not everyone knows what they want to be when they are 10 or 12; I know I didn’t. Take the time to learn new skills and find your path in life. Also, don’t feel discouraged if it doesn’t come to you right away. Things like this take time.

The importance of listening to your gut instinct.

If something seems off and is giving you the “heebie-jeebies” it probably is off.  I can think of multiple times when I didn’t trust my original instincts and learned to regret it a little while later. It is extremely important to be able to trust yourself. This is definitely something you will learn while travelling alone.

There is a strength in your own independence.


You will grow as a person and become comfortable with being independent while on the road. Being independent is a source of freedom to everyone who discovers it. Time alone is also a great time to listen to your own thoughts and reflect on the choices you’ve made throughout life.

People are kind.

The media makes the world look like a big scary place, but the world is filled with mostly kind and generous people. Don’t be afraid to meet new people and ask for help when you really need it.

Hope you have the time of your life travelling solo!

Safe travels,


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