How-to Guide

How-to Guide: Stay Safe and Avoid Pickpocketing

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One of the biggest fears while travelling is finding out someone stole your wallet or other valuable items. These pesky individuals, also known as pickpockets, are in every major city and are pretty common in tourist-rich areas.

I’ve tried my best to come up with 10 ways to avoid these thieves and how to keep your belongings safe.

Try to look more confident.

This may seem simple, but when someone looks lost or slightly not confident in their actions it may make them an easier target for pickpockets. They will try to fluster, confuse you, and often put you in an uncomfortable situation. The best advice would be to try and keep your head held high and walk with a strong purpose. The more determined and confident you look the less appealing you will look to a pickpocket.

Don’t be on your phone 24/7.


Firstly, being on your phone constantly will mean that you are not completely aware of your surroundings. When in busy areas try and put your phone away so you can be on the lookout for thieves.

Secondly, If you are constantly taking photos on your phone it makes it very obvious that you are a tourist. Pickpockets know that tourists usually carry a decent amount of cash when travelling for emergencies. This will instantly make you a target. Therefore, try your best to limit your phone usage when abroad or in touristy areas.

Do not carry change or your wallet in loose or easy-access pockets.

This is a simple rule. A pickpocket can quickly analyze you and know exactly where all your important items are. If they notice that your belongings are in an easy-access pocket they will probably choose you as their next victim.

Place important items in front pockets. Never your back pocket.


Please don’t do this!

Relating to the tip above, if you have to place your wallet or phone in a pocket never put it in your back pocket. It is too easy for someone to quickly bump into you and grab your wallet or phone without you even noticing.

Carry a secure bag.

I cannot stress how important it is to carry your belongings in a secure bag. I also recommend something that sticks close to your body or is even hidden underneath your clothing. There are many options for different bags (backpack, waist-pouch, neck-pouch, belt holder, etc) and I’ll list a few bags below.

Travelon Anti-Theft Heritage Multipurpose Backpack

  • Slash-Resistant Body Panels
  • Locking Compartments
  • Slash-Resistant Straps
  • RFID Blocking Slots and Pockets

Travelon Anti-Theft Active Waist Multipurpose Backpack

  • RFID blocking card and passport slots
  • Material: Nylon
  • Size: 9” x 11” x 3.5”
  • Strap Drop Length: 15” – 28”

Lewis N Clark 1267 Luggage RFID Neck Stash

  • Made with RFID-blocking technology
  • rip-stop nylon and self-repairing zippers
  • designed for cash and coins, electronics, passports, travel documents, and more

Eagle Creek RFID Blocker Undercover Hidden Pocket

  • Slips onto your belt and tucks into the waistband
  • Two coloured loops (Black and brown)
  • 4.5″ high and 6.5″ wide

Check out these sites for great backpacks and travel bags:

Avoid well-known pickpocketing areas.

This can sometimes be hard but try to avoid well-known pickpocketing areas.

In every city, there are certain streets that are known to have more thieves and pickpockets. This will usually be in the downtown core or close to tourist destinations. When you are in a well-known pickpocketing area please stay on guard and be aware of your surroundings.

According to Tripadvisor here are the top 10 cities that are the most well-known for pickpocketing:

  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Rome, Italy
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Paris, France
  • Florence, Italy
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Athens, Greece
  • Hanoi, Vietnam

Don’t fall for the easy scam.

There are many scam artists that know how to manipulate you into giving you their money or how to take your money when you are not looking. It’s okay to be friendly and talk to strangers, but don’t be too trusting. Pickpockets and scammers are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal from you.

Here is a great article by Rick Steves that talks about different scams you might run into while travelling.

Try to blend into the crowd.


Trying to blend into the crowd will help you not stand out to pickpockets. If you immerse yourself into the crowd you may go completely unnoticed to the pickpockets and scam artists. Another trick is to avoid eye contact with suspected thieves or scammers. The moment you make eye contact is a pickpockets version of an invitation.

Don’t wear expensive brands or jewellery.

Relating to the tip above, please avoid wearing expensive brands or jewellery. This makes you an instant target as a thief may assume that you have lots of money on you and may steal your jewellery right in front of your nose. Pickpocketing is a true art form and it is amazing what people can steal right in front of your eyes.

This is a great TED talk by Apollo Robbins that demonstrates the art of misdirection.

Don’t let your guard down. Even for the innocent.

Lastly, try not to let your guard down. Anyone could be a pickpocket no matter how old or young they are. A perfect disguise would be the mask of innocence. Simply stay alert!

I hope that this list helps you avoid all future pickpockets.

Safe travels,



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5 thoughts on “How-to Guide: Stay Safe and Avoid Pickpocketing

  1. You are my favorite blogger!!!!! You inspire me to travel the world and I always enjoy reading your posts! Keep up the good work!

    – Your No. 1 Fan

  2. Carina
    I recently read your pickpocket prevention tips and would like to a a few from personal experience.
    1. Be aware at all times, even in your home city.
    2. Be especially aware in hotel bars and restaurants at night. Pickpockets like to frequent hotels where there are conventions and wedding receptions knowing that their score can be quite large if they choose the right victims.
    3. Guys split the contents of your wallet up. Carry the majority of your cash and credit cards in a money clip or second wallet hidden in another pocket. Keep just enough cash in your wallet to give a pickpocket the perception that your loaded, meanwhile the rest of your cash and credit cards are safe.
    4.Ladies keep the flap of your purse against your body so sticky fingers can’t pop the snap on the flap and remove your wallet.
    5. Also for ladies- STOP and think about the number of times during the course of the day you open your purse and take your wallet out for one reason or another. Do you make sure your wallet isn’t protruding out of your purse even a little bit and resting safely the bottom. The further down in your purse your wallet is, the harder it is for a pickpocket to lift it.
    Guys- if you wear a suit to work, consider carrying a coat pocket/breast pocket wallet. It will add a professional look to your appearance. It will also reduce the stress on your back from sitting on an over-loaded wallet all day.

    1. Thank you Hugh for all the excellent tips! Very much appreciated. It sure can be stressful traveling (especially alone), but the more prepared you are for any situation, the better. Safe travels!

  3. Carina,
    I need to add a few tips I left off my previous post.
    1. Ladies use the zippered wall compartment of your purse to stash a $20.00 dollar bill and a credit card or two in it incase your wallet falls into the wrong hands. That way you’ll always have a way to survive until the situation gets resolved especially when your traveling.
    2. Guys don’t overload your wallet with things you don’t need. The imprint of your wallet increases the more you carry. Pickpockets look for the imprints of wallets as they size potential victims up.
    3. Guys don’t carry coins in your wallet. They make the wallet bulkier and easier for a pickpocket to identify.
    4. Ladies Carry your purse securely on your arm or on a shoulder on the opposite side from where the foot traffic is not so heavy.
    5. Pickpockets can and Will strike and take advantage of places where victims would least expect to have there pocket and purses picked.
    I know of incidents where pickpockets preyed on mourners at a memorial service for a well known local person and walked away with over $2,000 in cash plus credit cards for less than 25 minutes work!
    I also know of an incident where one pickpocket scored big by working a wedding reception for an hour.
    The above incidents of pickpocketing happened to co-workers and friends.
    And yes I have actually been the victim of a pickpocket.

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