How-to Guide

How-to Guide: Saving Your Money

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Whatever your reason, saving money can get pretty difficult at times. Everywhere you look there are products, attractions, and foods that you want to spend your money on. This means that saving money takes a lot of self-control! You often have to resist buying everything you see and really think about what’s a necessity (want vs need).

I went around asking strangers and friends what their best tips were for saving money and here are the tips that they supplied. Get ready to save money for that next trip, that new TV, or that new phone you’ve always wanted.

Stop eating out. It is a money waster.

saving on food

Buy groceries at cheaper grocery stores.

saving money

Food Basics, Fresh Co, No Frills, Walmart, Asda, Tesco, etc.

Skip the coffee breaks. The little things add up.

saving money

Look for the lunch specials. Meals can be half-off regular prices.

saving money

Shop only during big sales. 50% off and up is the best!

saving money

Find free attractions.

saving money

Carpool and save on gas.

saving money

Try and find the best-priced Auto-Insurance.

 Don’t know where to start looking for Auto-Insurance? Check out this guide to get started.

Attend free museum nights.

saving money

Always bring a reusable water bottle.

saving money

Try avoiding the mall. It is too easy to spend money.

saving money

Don’t be afraid to use coupons.

saving money

Get a TFSA account. It’s basically free money.

saving money

Invite friends over rather than going out.

saving money

Turn off the lights. Lower those bills.

saving money

Look for deals in weekly flyers.

saving money

Take a few more shifts at work.

saving money

Try spending the day at the park. It’s free.

saving money

Use cash over debit or credit. Save on those nasty service charges.

saving money

Try to bike or walk more.

saving money

Don’t be afraid to buy used.

saving money

Sign-up for free loyalty programs. Earn points and save money.

saving money

Create a budget and a goal.

saving money

I hope this list helps you save all the money you need. I know saving money can be difficult, but I know that you can do it!

Safe travels,


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