Tips & Tricks

14 Travel Hacks and Tips you Need to Know!

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Travelling is one of the best parts of life, but it can sometimes be hard to plan every little detail perfectly. This means that the more tips and tricks you know the more time you can spend having fun and enjoying your next adventure.

I have listed some of my favourite travel hacks that I hope will come in handy on your next travel adventure!

Use Google Maps offline by typing “OK Maps” in the search bar. One of the easiest hacks to save on your data.

Type your desired destination on Google Maps. Once loaded, type into the search bar “OK maps“, and then hit search. A window will open that will allow you to download a section of the map. It will save into the Offline Maps folder for a certain period of time (30 days). This file can be used without WiFi or data and gives you access to the entire cities directory.

Place a dryer sheet or a bar of soap into your luggage.

This sounds silly, but it will keep your suitcase smelling fresh even when it’s filled with dirty laundry.

Use a makeup bag or a pencil case to store your chords and adaptors.

An easy way to stash all your important chords without worrying about losing or tangling them up.

Try and eat locally!

Food will always be cheaper in less touristy areas. Try your best to walk a little out of the downtown core and enjoy some authentic local foods with the locals.

Food Hacks

If you ever lose or forget your charger try and ask the front desk!

If you have lost your charger while on the road I recommend asking the front desk of your hotel or hostel if they have a spare one. I’m sure many other people have also forgotten theirs and have not returned to recollect it.

Save space in your suitcase by rolling all of your clothes; instead of folding.

Here is a great video that demonstrates some great ways to pack your clothes for your next trip:

Also, a great way to have more room for souvenirs!

Always try and bring a hoodie.

A hoodie can have many uses. Although awesome on those chilly nights, a hoodie/sweater can be used as a makeshift pillow when on a train, bus, plane, or even when staying in a hostel. This is a great way to save room if you are only carrying a small luggage around and don’t have space for a legitimate pillow.

Use empty Chapsticks, lipstick tubes, glue sticks or pill bottles to hide valuables.

If you need a quick place to store some cash or jewellery an empty containers can be a great hiding spot. Just make sure to not be too obvious when taking any items out.

makeup hacks

Place your phone in a plastic baggy if you know you’ll be around water.

This is a cheap alternative to waterproofing your phone. You honestly never know when you might drop your phone in water… or even a lake… don’t ask…

Bring an empty water bottle to the airport and refill it after you pass security.

Rather than buying water once you passed security I recommend keeping an empty water bottle and then refilling it at a water station in the airport. This will definitely save you quite a bit of money if you find yourself flying multiple time a month.

Turn on ‘Incognito Mode” for cheaper flights online.

Many travel companies will track your cookies and sometimes increase the prices of their flights based on your frequent clicks on their site. Make sure to stay incognito and avoid crazy spikes in prices.

Ctr+Shift+N (PC) or Command+Shift+N (Mac)

incognito hacks

If you ever forget your charging adapter, you can always charge your phone through the TV.

Just use a USB cable from your phone to a TV and you can quickly charge your phone. I have used this hack quite a few time as I often have bad luck with misplacing my phone adaptors.

Email yourself a scanned copy of your passport, itinerary, and any other important documents.

This is a necessity! If you were to lose any important documents while travelling it would be comforting to know that you have a back-up saved in your email or drive. This can really come in handy for emergencies.

Find travel apps to get connected with other travellers. Make new friends!

Don’t be afraid to meet some new friends. Travel apps are a great way to hang out with other travellers while on the road. Travelling can really be fun when you have a friend along the way.

Some Potential Travel Apps:

  • Travel Buddy
  • Serentrip
  • TravelBar
  • Packitup
  • Meetup
  • Backpackr

*Feel free to comment and share any other Apps you love to use while travelling.

app hacks

I hope that these travel hacks and tips help you towards your next trip!

Safe travels,


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